The western civilization has drifted us far away from our traditional culture that was in tune with nature. In the present scenario, mechanization and modern lifestyle have subjected people of all ages to Stress, Insufficient sleep, Environmental Pollution, Excess Work, Depression, Irregular food habits, Lack of proper Exercise, etc., which has lead to various diseases and reoccurrences.Since we believe that “Prevention is better than Cure”, we provide Kaya Kalpa Chikicha (Wellness Treatments), the Indian ancient art of healing techniques namely Siddha, Ayurveda, Varma and Kerala Panchakarma Therapy invented by Siddhars. This kind of treatments helps to Reform your mind, Rejuvenate your body and Revitalize your spirit.

Our Vedic Siddha Wellness treatment equalizes the imbalanced conditions of Three Dhosas namely Vadha, Pitha and Kabha. It eliminates the toxic substances from the body and restores the immune system. In addition to this Siddhar’s way of disciplined life style, appropriate food habits and proper exercises are being taught. It helps to prevent diseases and promotes perfect health and thereby reduces the intake of excess medicines.

Patients who suffer from Diabetes, Heart Diseases can avail this safe wellness treatment without side effects along with their regular allopathy medicines and get benefited.